The Home Experts
Chinese Drywall Remediations, Inspections,Testing i
The Home Experts, Licensed General Contractor in Florida for years CGC007826
Member ASTM C-11 Committee for Chinese Drywall Standards
EPA Certified Lead Remodeler.
Is the drywall in your home tainted?
We can help. Send us as many 2'' samples as you wish to:
15905 Prince William Pl. Odessa Fl. 33556 Call 813-623-1177
Our two most popular tests
We can test your sample in a chamber for only $50.00 for each sample. This test takes only a few days and can identify corrosive drywall. We are not a Lab.
We can have your sample tested for elemental Sulfur for $125.00 which is believed to be the impurity in the Chinese Drywall that starts the chemical chain reaction leading to corrosion. This takes about 2 weeks
Go to the Chain of Custody tab for instructions.
Inspections: Testing is only part of the process. We can Investigate your home in the Greater Tampa Bay area or assit you on a larger project in Florida.
Non Destructive Probes: If your home has Chinese Drywall or you want to purchase an affected home, we can help determine the extent of the Chinese Drywall in the home. It is important that you determine if the ceilings and garage drywall are contaminated. Removing the drywall from the ceiling and garage is expensive if not required. Call us for details.
Please go to the HOME tab for all of our services.