The  Home  Experts
Chinese Drywall Remediations, Inspections,Testing i
The Home Experts, Licensed General Contractor in Florida for years CGC007826
Member ASTM C-11 Committee for Chinese Drywall Standards
EPA Certified Lead Remodeler.


Inspect Chinese Drywall

Why Use The Home Experts for your Chinese Drywall Inspections
I bring a vast knowledge of home building, home repair and customer service to the table. We have been deeply involved in Chinese Drywall before it became news.  It takes a combination of experiences to be able to help Clients with CD.  Mr. Herman spent 25 years with Lennar Homes.  During that time he built 10,000 homes.  He was in charge of thousands of indoor environmental  issues and their remediation.  He also handled many product defect cases and litigation.  We also provide Home Inspections.  It is important to have all of these qualifications. Finding Chinese Drywall requires a forensic approach. We recently found Chinese Drywall during a pre-close inspection in a $2,000,000 home.  The seller had done every thing he could to hide the symptoms.

Combination Home and Chinese Drywall Inspection
We can provide a full pre-close home inspection and a
Chinese Drywall Inspection for the same price as just the home inspection.  EVEN BETTER!!! We will conduct the Chinese Drywall inspection FIRST.  If we find symptoms of Chinese Drywall we will end the inspection.  You pay for the Chinese Drywall inspection only..

I am independent and can be trusted.  Don't rely on the inspector furnished by your    Builder,  Insurance Company or an Attorney.

12 Point Visual Inspection
We will visit your home and provide a limited inspection to try and determine if Chinese Drywall is installed in your home.   The inspection will include inspecting your accessible air-condition coils, hot water heater piping and the wires in you main electrical panel.  We will remove the covers from 6 electrical boxes and examine the edges of the drywall and the electrical wires.  If possible, will inspect the back of the drywall in the attic of 1 story home to determine the manufacturer.  Inspecting the back of the attic drywall may not be done if there is obstructions or blown insulation.  This information will be compared to the Florida Health Department's guidelines for Chinese Drywall. The Client will be given a written report within 3  business days.  Please see the exclusions and limitations section below. This is the only inspection most clients need.

Don't purchase a home with out having it inspected for Chinese Drywall.

Look Behind the Drywall Observe the Label. 
We will bring a borescope to your home and find a label
Inspection and Estimate

We can provide the client with a Generic Estimate for the expected costs to replace the Chinese 

Drywall and repair/replace the damaged copper items based on a limited inspection. All of the components of the    home that have to be removed or replaced will be included.  An estimate customized for your home can also       prepared at an additional charge. The cost of a custom estimate would be refunded to the client if we were          awarded the remediation contract for your home. Please see the exclusions and limitations section below.

 The General Contractor should have in depth experience in remediating major problems in homes.  The closest remediation would be Mold and Water intrusion remediation. My first major mold remediation was 25 years ago.  I have managed thousands of major remediations.  This includes moving the customer out of their home to replace significant amounts of drywall and flooring.

The General Contractor should have experience with helping home owners with major issues in their home. Understanding the Customer's feelings, needs and point of view is imperative.  Part of my duty as Director of Operations/Customer Care Manager was to visit with customers in their homes and listen to their needs.  By understanding their feelings and point of view we could come to resolution.

Exclusions and Limitations


 Inspections:  :  The above proposed limited inspection will not identify the manufacture of the drywall in your home. We will not move furniture or other property.  The inspection does not include testing for chemical compounds in the air although that can be arranged.  This is not a home inspection that can identify defects, mold and problems with the operations of various systems in your home. We will inspect the air-conditioning coils only if they can be observed by removing the metal access panel.    This inspection does not include destructive testing.  It is agreed that should the inspection not identify Chinese Drywall in your home and latter some is discovered, The Home Experts, Inc only responsibility would be to refund the cost of the inspection. 

Destructive Testing: We will only provide cut inspection holes in the walls if the Client requests it.  The purpose of the destructive testing is to attempt to find the manufacturer’s label on the back of the dry wall although we believe that much of the Chinese Drywall has an identifiable label, some of the Chinese Drywall is unlabeled or miss labeled.  It is assumed that the destructive testing is being performed because there are symptoms of Chinese Drywall.  Therefore patching the walls is not included in the price.  Patching can be arranged at additional costs.  Patches in drywall are not invisible.
















Estimates: :  Estimates are based on a visual inspection.  It would not include costs associated with hidden damage, cost to remove personal property or expenses for relocating your family.  The Generic Estimate is based on homes that fall into a range of home square footages and may not represent exactly the cost attributed to the unique portions of your home.  A more detailed estimate can be done for your home at an additional cost 

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